My Favorite Books

I have always had an interest in what books are being read, or have been read, by pastors, leaders, authors, etc. Here is a list of books that have been beneficial to me over the years.

My Utmost For His Highest-Oswald Chambers (best daily teaching devotional)

Streams In The Desert-Mrs. Charles Cowman (best devotional for daily comfort)

This Morning With God-Carol Adney, editor, InterVarsity Press (best daily devotional for Bible study: book is out of print but has used copies)

Hinds Feet On High Places-Hannah Hurnard (one of the best books on understanding trials we go through)

Lottie Moon-Una Lawrence (biography about great missionary to China, 1873 to 1912)

Hudson Taylor's Spiritual Secret-Dr. Howard Taylor (biography about great missionary to China, 1853-1900)

A Chance to Die: The Life and Legacy of Amy Carmichael-Elisabeth Elliot

Autobiography of George Muller-George Mueller

Answers to Prayer-George Muller

Daws: A Man Who Trusted God-Betty Skinner (biography about Dawson Trotman, founder of The Navigators

The Navigator-Robert Foster (another biography about Dawson Trotman)

Through Gates Of Splendor-Elisabeth Elliot (The story of Jim Elliot and four other missionaries killed in Ecuador by Auca Indians in 1956)

Shadow of the Almighty-Elisabeth Elliot (The personal life story of Jim Elliot, including personal journals and letters, his love story,
his missionary preparation and experience)

Jungle Pilot by Russell T. Hitt (the story of the pilot who was killed in Ecuador with Jim Elliot and three other missionaries)

Brokenness-Nancy Leigh DeMoss (one of my textbooks for my classes at Fruitland)

Surrender-Nancy Leigh DeMoss

Ablaze With His Glory-Del Fehsenfeld, Jr. (hard to find, out of print, used copies available, will be reprinted soon/one of my textbooks for my classes at Fruitland)

Concentric Circles Of Concern-Oscar Thompson, Jr. (best book on evangelism) (first edition)

Love Must Be Tough-James Dobson (best book on relationships of any kind; dating, marriage, friendships, etc.)

Don’t Waste Your Sorrows-Paul Billheimer (spiritual growth through suffering and sorrow, finding God’s purpose in the midst of pain)

Communicating For A Change-Andy Stanley (great book for preachers and teachers) (written in allegory)

The Key To Triumphant Living-Jack Taylor (the key is: Christ in you!)

In His Steps-Charles Sheldon (what would Jesus do? Read entire book online at: (one of my textbooks for my classes at Fruitland)

Tale Of Three Kings: a study in brokenness-Gene Edwards (allegory)

The Divine Romance-Gene Edwards (allegory, a majestic rendition of the love of God)

The Mind Of Christ-T.W. Hunt (I have learned more about the Christian life from T.W. Hunt than anyone else I know/one of my textbooks for my classes at Fruitland)

Experiencing God (workbook)-Henry Blackaby (one of my textbooks for my classes at Fruitland)

Seeking Him (workbook)-Nancy Leigh Demoss (one of my textbooks for my classes at Fruitland)

The following books are not “religious” books but the books have been beneficial to me in the ministry and in my personal life:

Tuesdays With Morrie-Mitch Albom (great book on dealing with a loved one or friend who is dying)

The following books deal with the subject of leadership from the business world and all of the following books are easy to read and written in the style of allegory. Once you start reading these books you might not want to put them down. Amazon has used copies at great prices. I have never been disappointed buying used copies from Amazon and I have always been surprised at the quality of the used books.

The Serving Leader-by Ken Jennings and John Stahl-Wert (I have tried to determine, in the past, how a pastor can be a leader and a servant at the same time. Also, I have tried to determine how a servant could be a leader. This book helps to understand how servanthood and leadership can work together. To read an excerpt, go to:

Who Moved My Cheese-Spencer Johnson (how to deal with change)

The One Minute Manager-Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson (how to supervise people)

The One Minute Father-Spencer Johnson

The One Minute Mother-Spender Johnson

Precious Present-Spencer Johnson (your life is a precious present that you give to others in your life-you are important. Read the book online at: and takes about five minutes)

Gung Ho!-Ken Blanchard and Sheldon Bowles

High Five-Ken Blanchard and Sheldon Bowles (the importance of teamwork)

The Fish! books deal with how to boost morale in the workplace. Easy to read, written in allegory. Go to: for more info.

Fish!- Stephen C. Lundin The FISH! Philosophy is a simple way to build stronger relationships that equip you to face your challenges more effectively in an organization)

Fish Sticks- Stephen C. Lundin (boost morale in any organization)

Fish Tales-Stephen C. Lundin (real life stories of Fish! principles)

Fish For Life- Stephen C. Lundin (use Fish! principles to achieve your mission)

Schools Of Fish-Philip Strand (testimonies of teachers, principals, schools who put into practice FISH! principles-great for anyone in education)

Also for teachers:

Teach Like Your Hair’s On Fire-Rafe Esquith

There Are No Shortcuts- Rafe Esquith