Brokenness (2)

The following is from Nancy Leigh Demoss:

What is it that you need to do to choose the pathway of brokenness? You say, what does that mean?

Well, for you it may mean just slipping to your knees and acknowledging to God that you need Him--that you've been trying to live the Christian life by your own efforts.

It may mean sharing a spiritual need in your life with another believer and asking that person to pray for you and to help hold you accountable.

It might mean making a phone call or a visit to humble yourself and seek forgiveness from someone you have sinned against, a parent, a child, a mate, an ex-mate.

It may be going before your family or your church family or your fellow employees admitting that you've been a hypocrite, that you've not been leading the kind of life that you professed before others.

Perhaps for you, the step of brokenness means clearing your conscious over something in your past that you have never yet made right.

Or surrendering you will to God in relation to your future or your career or your marriage.

As you think about those steps of brokenness, you may be thinking, I could never do that. Anything, but that one thing, I just couldn't go back to that person. I just couldn't make that issue right. Let me just tell you, you've got to do the very thing that you know God wants you to do, but your flesh is telling you not to do.

And I'll just remind you, if you'll run head on into your flesh, head on into that pride, that God will pour His grace into your life as He does every time that we humble ourselves.