Leadership Principles
Just a few leadership principles I have gathered over the years that I have had to learn the hard way (and I am still having to learn the hard way):
(You can substitute “church” or “ministry” in the place of the word “organization”)
1. I am not the most important person in my organization no matter what position I hold. Everyone else in my organization is more important than I am.
2. My priority should be to serve others in my organization and not expect them, nor require them, to “bow down and serve me”.
3. I must treat others in my organization the way I would want to be treated: with dignity and respect.
4. Every person in my organization is a gift from God.
5. Every person has the potential to make a difference, not only in my organization, but in other areas of life outside of my organization.
6. Every person in my organization has a life outside of the organization and they have families, hobbies, and other interests that they enjoy being involved in.
7. I am responsible for making the organization an enjoyable and pleasant environment where people enjoy coming to work and to serve.
8. Every person in the organization does not appreciate me “looking over their shoulders” while they serve (this is called micro-managing).
9. I should give every person in the organization the freedom to accomplish their tasks according to their gifts and abilities (this is called macro-managing and also known as “The One Minute Manager”).
10. One of the greatest joys in life should be when I serve other people no matter who they are.