Fire From Heaven

The following was written by Byron Paulus, director of Life Action Ministries

“I am captivated by Mount Carmel. On open display before the nation, a solitary Elijah faces down 450 false prophets of Baal. The prophets of Ball spend hours in dance and display. Elijah speaks only 23 words. The Baalites put on quite a show but Elijah’s altar is empty.

Like all perversions of religion, Baalism is focused on the experience and satisfaction of the worshipper. Elijah’s words center the people on God and their response to Him. Our choice is no different today. Will we cultivate an approach to God that makes sense to us or an approach that makes sense to God? In this, Mount Carmel is instructive. When the noise and dancing had ended in sheer exhaustion and futility, Elijah quietly prayed to the true God, and the fire fell.

The crying need of our times is fire from heaven. We don’t need more “worship experiences”; we need to encounter God. It is God who will motivate us to serve, love, and obey. We need to decide who is God.”

Taken from: Heartcry Journal