I Don't Need Church

Recently, I found a website for Oasis Church in Florida http://www.visitoasis.org/ . In reading the pastor’s blog, some of his posts (articles) that he had written really caught my attention. What he has written is certainly interesting and thought-provoking.

I have combined his posts about “I Don’t Need Oasis Church” below. I have also done some editing to clarify what Rev. Melton has written. I think you will appreciate what he says as you read what he has written.


These must be the words of a disgruntled member or attender! Must be someone who is upset at Oasis! Someone who has left our church over a petty disagreement with style or music! No, it isn't.

These are the words I spoke this morning about 12:30 A.M. as I was returning Friday, on my day off, from Melbourne (Florida). You might be saying, "But Guy, you're the founding Pastor. You've been here since the beginning. You were the one God gave the vision for Oasis."

It can, and might, be confusing to some of you to hear me to say this. But if Oasis Church never met again, I would be OK. I would thrive and I would be a happy man. If a hurricane demolished our buildings, or a fire burned them down, and we could never meet again as a church family--I would be fine with that!!!

I mean what I say, "I DON'T NEED OASIS CHURCH!!!!!!!"

(Part 2)

"I don't need Oasis Church!" I mean that. If you did not read my first post on this, then STOP NOW!!!! Go back and read it. I made the statement if we never met again I would be fine with that. If a fire burns down our buildings, a hurricane blows away all we have, I am fine.

Well, first let me say, that doesn't mean I would not grieve, be hurt, or shed tears. I would...maybe buckets of them. I would miss those of you who are Oasis members and friends of mine, who I have grown to love and admire more than I do or could ever tell you.

But please, hear me out.

Driving home Friday night (mentioned above) on my day off, I was listening to a C.D. which I often do while driving. There was a prominent pastor (Bill Hybels) of one of the largest churches in America (Willow Creek) discussing their church and a three-year intensive study they had just done in their church (and other churches).

The Pastor and staff discovered many of the folks who were very involved in their church weren't growing as disciples. They were stale and stalled in their faith. Others who were not that involved in all the programs and activities might have actually been growing as Christians even more (than those were very involved). (See footnote at the end of this email for more info on Willow Creek's study).

What would cause this when this is a great church and one where thousands of lives had been changed through their ministry? In a discussion with other staff members (and from the research), they proceeded to some of these findings.

Among the things they found is that longevity as a believer in Christ did not necessarily make a true follower of Christ. They also found that the more activity in the church a person was involved in did not necessarily make a better disciple of Christ.

So, what does this mean to me? Without dissecting all their study and thoughts, I want to share what God reminded me about. It's not about my church. It's not about Oasis Church and how much I show up. It's not even about how much I am involved...even in leadership.

They found that a percentage of the most dissatisfied members of their church were the ones who had been in the church the longest, and some of them were leaders. But they said they didn't feel their church was satisfying their needs and meeting their expectations. Some said they likely would leave the church (and many had over the years) to the surprise and disappointment of the Pastor and leadership.

Now these were not casual attenders. They were, in some cases, the heart and soul of the church and the reason over the years the church had grown like it did. Yet, they felt like they weren't growing and getting what they once did out of their church where they had invested themselves so heavily.

I have to ask myself, could that be true about the church I pastor? I say, "Absolutely it can!!" We are no different. I haven't done an intensive study. Quite frankly I don't need to. I see, I hear, I observe.

How could this be? Why? What as a Church are we failing at? Why are those who should be the most intense disciples, actually disappointed and disillusioned?

(Part 3)

“Why I Don't Need Oasis Church” is not a cute saying I thought up to catch your attention. No, I mean it. Why?

First let me say, I love Oasis Church. Some days, I would literally give my physical life for her. I say some days, that is, because it's not all the time. Hey, I am being honest here! Based on my previous blog post, I want to begin to explain my thinking on this. I know some will not understand. That is fine. Read it and just mull over it. Let it sink in. It might be a long time before you understand. That is OK.

The church belongs to God. He established it. Jesus gave His life for the Church. Other than the family, I don't know of another organization on earth that God Himself established and loves as much as He does the church.

Yet, too many of us mistake how we relate to His church with how we relate to Him. We rely on the church to give us our relationship with Him. We rely on the church to feed us, clothe us, and do essentially everything for us. Now, before you get mad, I know the ones reading this are not the ones who probably would go to the extreme of wanting us to clothe and feed you physically. But I am trying to get to something.

Most long-time believers, I believe, are stalled in their walk because they are expecting the church to give them the growth they desire. We might have grown as a young believer very fast because of our church or another church. The sermons, classes, small groups, even serving but then we find ourselves stalled!

It is not uncommon for a church to add more programs, build more buildings, facilities, gyms, classrooms, you name it-"we will build it if you'll come!" We do bigger programs, add more ministries and at the end of the day, we spend thousands and thousands of dollars, yes, even millions, to still find we have more disgruntled, disappointed, stalled Christians.

You say this isn't true about Oasis Church. To some extent it is. We have resisted many of the buildings, and programs many churches launch into. But we are forever tempted to build bigger, better and add more bells and whistles to keep you happy. That's human nature.

(Part 4)

I have painted what some might say is a bleak and negative picture of the church, our church. Well in some ways it could be. Why is that?

If a person is coming to Oasis Church for what they can get from it to keep them going, at some point their spiritual life will stall and become stale. At that point, they are disappointed in themselves, their church and ultimately God. So what's the answer?

I am not suggesting we throw out the church. Absolutely not. I'm not suggesting, as some in our society, that the church is so broken so just bury it and start over. No, that is not the answer.

What I am suggesting is that it's really not about the Church. It's about the individual, and our walk with the Lord. My life must be Christ-centered. He must be at the center of my life and all that I am.

What happens is that if we become church-centered and not Christ-centered we become stalled. The church does not change our life. Christ changes lives.

When a person has the expectation that their church attendance and participation will change their life, they are setting themselves, and the church, up for failure. As a church, even if we don't mean to, many times we make attenders think if they will become more involved, join more groups and attend more functions, they will be happy and satisfied and God will bless them.

What I am saying is that the church has a role in my Christian life. A big one!! But it is not my Christian life. Attending church does not make me a disciple or more in tuned with my Creator and my Savior.

I must be in a daily walk with God Himself. Now, brace yourself for this statement!!! It begins with time with God. Yes, it's as simple as that!! Prayer and Bible Reading. First, there must be a daily communion with God. He must be part of our daily lives. It takes time with Him. I can tell you when I go a few days without Bible reading and prayer, it shows. You are talking stale, stress, confusion, wrong decisions, and personality changes to name a few. He must be speaking into my life.

He must be at the very center of my life. He must be at work in my heart and life. The Bible says that the Spirit of God lives inside every believer. When we have no dialog with the person we live with...we don't listen, we don't discuss...what happens? We grow distant. We are ships passing in the night.

Final Post

So, why should I stay in the Church? For those of you still reading, you're saying, "If you don't need the church, why do I need the church?"

Good question! I'll try to give a few reasons we all need the Church, and why we should stay in the Church whether it be Oasis or, for our friends and family out of town, the one you attend. I can only personally speak here to Oasis Church since it is the only one I am a part of.

Last week Oasis had another class for newcomers. Discover Oasis gives a look at who we are, where we came from, what we believe, where we are going and how you can get involved if you choose to join. Kevin McCord, our Admin. Pastor has done a great job leading this class for the last several years. Any class I address, I share how important it is to get involved, and the more you get involved, the more you get out of your church. That is true.

I also share how excited each newcomer is to be there. They really are. We have incredible stories in each Discover Oasis Class of how folks come to Oasis and how much they love it. But I tell them: that will not keep you here, just as the music, the worship, the friendly atmosphere, the children’s ministry, etc. will not keep you here.

Oasis Church cannot sustain you spiritually nor should it. If you think the church will or should, you will soon be off to another place looking for what you need.

It is the Lord Who grows and matures us. Our church is but a tool that He uses. Most people get disillusioned when they expect us, as a church, to keep them spiritually full and contented. No church will do that. It is God who does that and each of us must have a personal walk and relationship with Him.

Do you know that the church can actually draw us away from Him? We can get so busy working for Him in the church that we forget to develop our relationship with Him. We don't have time for Him. It is especially dangerous when you are working in a church as an employee, pastor etc. We must fight this challenge all the time as pastors. My walk with Him is more important than my role as pastor.

That is why I can say, "I don't need Oasis Church". I want Oasis Church in my life. I love Oasis Church. But, when all is said and done, if Oasis Church was gone tomorrow, I have a living, breathing, relationship with my Lord, Jesus Christ. He is all I need. The fastest growing church of all time, in the Book of Acts, didn't have buildings, or programs or a campus. They had Jesus.

China, where public worship is prohibited in many places, has millions coming to Christ underground. They are studying, praying, growing, and going, on their own in many places. The church is exploding there and other places in the world without all the things we have come to expect in the United States in a church.

Now some will use the excuse when they get disgruntled with a church to drop out and say, "I can serve God and have a relationship with God without the Church, and being a part of it". Yes, I suppose that is true.

But truthfully, I have not seen one person who said that who was actually a growing, contented, mature, serving disciple of Christ. Why would you want to say you want Him but you don't want His Bride? His Bride is the Church, even with all our warts and problems.

So why is the Church important? Let me list a few things:

Christ gave Himself for the church. It is His way of sharing His Gospel here on Earth.

*The church edifies us.
*The church leads us to worship God.
*The church provides a vehicle for Community. Small groups are a big part of our church. A small group might lend to making friends, and establishing some awesome relationships, but your small group won't provide you a living, personal, growing relationship with Jesus Christ in itself.
*The church teaches doctrine.
*The church evangelizes the lost. We do that as individuals and as the Church.
*The church equips the saints for ministry. Ephesians clearly states that the Pastors/Leaders are to equip each of us for ministry. Training and providing opportunities for ministry through the church is part of that.
*The church disciples/Mentors new believers into mature believers.
*In the church we pray for one another.
*The church provides ministries that utilize each person's spiritual gifts.

At different stages in our walk with God, the church plays a different role in each of these stages. This is important for us to realize.

I think we have failed as a church in general in that we do so much for people and promise so much that many expect us to meet their every need and to provide their personal relationship with God. This is not the case.

Early in a Christian's experience, the Church is huge...to help them grow, and find their gifts, to teach, disciple, baptize (Simply -- the Great Commission). But, them
you begin to move from being served and being taught to serving and doing mission. You move from the Milk, to the Meat. The church teaches you to find the meat, and it is up to the individual to eat. The Shepherd doesn't force the sheep to eat or drink at the stream. He only leads them beside still waters and into green pastures. There comes a time, when we, as sheep, need to eat and drink. Shame on us as a church if we only feed the sheep milk and never teach them to eat and where to find food.

I don't need Oasis Church. But I sure do love it. I don't need to attend church to have a personal relationship with God but God does expect me to be a part of His church, His body, His Bride.

I attend 4-7 live services each and every week and I love it. I get pumped. I get convicted. I get encouraged. But many times, it's in different ways. Sometimes just hanging out during one of the 7NOW nightly services, I will get blessed by a story of a changed life. I will sometimes be blessed by the young musicians who lead us in worship. I will be blessed to pray with someone struggling with a problem. I will be blessed by fellowship with some friends, prayer, scripture, message, and so much more.



Willow Creek Church in Chicago has just finished a three year process of scientific research to study their church and other churches regarding their effectiveness in helping church members in their spiritual growth. The research has been published in the book, “Reveal: Where Are You?”

Bill Hybels, the pastor of Willow Creek, writes in the book:

“The local church is the hope of the world.....It’s a message I believe with all my heart. So you can imagine my reaction when three people whose counsel I value told me that the local church I’ve been the pastor of for more than three decades was not doing as well as we thought when it came to spiritual growth.

If that wasn’t bad enough, they said this wasn’t just their opinion. It was based on scientific research. Ouch.”